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A Healing Garden
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A Healing Garden
Posted by Susan Freda on

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Happy New year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We just want to take a moment to thank all of our loyal supporters for helping to make 2018 our best year yet!
Here is a shot of Sues' work installed in a clients home. oooh aaahhh. Arn is working on a new line of mokume made with luscious new metals and featuring some killer gemstones. Sue is working on a new body of porcelain and glass work which she will be exhibiting in a two person show in February at the Chazan Gallery with artist Allison Paschke. Stay tuned for dates and opening times!
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Happy New year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We just want to take a moment to thank all of our loyal supporters for helping to make 2018 our best year yet!
Here is a shot of Sues' work installed in a clients home. oooh aaahhh. Arn is working on a new line of mokume made with luscious new metals and featuring some killer gemstones. Sue is working on a new body of porcelain and glass work which she will be exhibiting in a two person show in February at the Chazan Gallery with artist Allison Paschke. Stay tuned for dates and opening times!
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A BIG Thank You To Our Friends and Family for All of Their Help This Past Year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We are so lucky to have such a great crew of friends and family, far and wide, who help to make our business a success! We wanted to send out a thank, you along with some faces to see, of the people behind our studio practice and our daily life.
Thank You !
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A BIG Thank You To Our Friends and Family for All of Their Help This Past Year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We are so lucky to have such a great crew of friends and family, far and wide, who help to make our business a success! We wanted to send out a thank, you along with some faces to see, of the people behind our studio practice and our daily life.
Thank You !
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New E X P A N D E D space at Gallery 4
Posted by Susan Freda on
Gallery 4, our home base for the past 10 years is going through changes…….partner Bob Smith has retired and Arn and I have taken over his half of what we know as Gallery 4.
It's sort of like exhaling to be in such a big space. I feel like our work can breath too. Lot's of space to really see the work.
I'm inspired to work bigger and have begun making molds to cast glass into.
Arn is making the most beautiful rose cut diamond rings in the archaic style of 22 karat wrought gold.
Soon we will have an opening and you will all receive an invite to see the new lovelys.
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New E X P A N D E D space at Gallery 4
Posted by Susan Freda on
Gallery 4, our home base for the past 10 years is going through changes…….partner Bob Smith has retired and Arn and I have taken over his half of what we know as Gallery 4.
It's sort of like exhaling to be in such a big space. I feel like our work can breath too. Lot's of space to really see the work.
I'm inspired to work bigger and have begun making molds to cast glass into.
Arn is making the most beautiful rose cut diamond rings in the archaic style of 22 karat wrought gold.
Soon we will have an opening and you will all receive an invite to see the new lovelys.
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Valentines Open House
Posted by Susan Freda on
It's a winter wonderland outside and we have been working away in the studio, stopping to admire the snow and ice and be inspired by the crazy beauty of nature.
We would like to invite you to come and share in a viewing of our latest works; Lighting, sculpture, and new jewels for your valentine.
This Saturday at Gallery 4 & Susan Freda Studios!! Open House from 1-4pm!
New work! Sales, refreshments and beautiful drinks to be had.
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Valentines Open House
Posted by Susan Freda on
It's a winter wonderland outside and we have been working away in the studio, stopping to admire the snow and ice and be inspired by the crazy beauty of nature.
We would like to invite you to come and share in a viewing of our latest works; Lighting, sculpture, and new jewels for your valentine.
This Saturday at Gallery 4 & Susan Freda Studios!! Open House from 1-4pm!
New work! Sales, refreshments and beautiful drinks to be had.